Thursday, May 19, 2011

Human Development Index

Hi guys, here's a chart of human development throughout the world:

I like this chart because it uses various colors. From what we've learned in class, green generally means good while red means bad. Looking at the legend, that's what precisely the colors mean. Greener countries are more developed than redder countries. Yellow is somewhere in the middle (think yellow light). I think this is a pretty decent visualization example, because it follows many of the suggestions we talked about in class.


  1. The legend is a little ambiguous as to exactly what the colors mean, except that it has to do with the "Human Development Index." Without the context of what that index actually represents and how it is calculated, this is potentially a misleading visualization.

  2. I agree but this does give a good general sense of how each country is doing. It does get slightly hard to see with smaller countries that are grouped up together.

    I searched HDI on google and came up with a slightly more detailed version from Wikipedia. I think it has a couple more shades.
