Sunday, June 5, 2011

Abstract Visualization


This visualization caught my eye because it keeps track of calls and even messages made on mobile devices and is chronologically created in a spiral with the last call in the center. The intensity of each color is based on if a known number has been dialed and if the call was urgent or not. The use of color and shapes enhances this visualization and the spiral really put it over the edge. The visualization contains a great deal of information without distorting it too much. The fact they avoided numbers avoids clutter. However, I do believe this type of visualization distracts users somewhat because if people who do not realize the technology used to create it, such as myself, become distracted by the methodology a bit. It is a great visualization regardless of that one downfall. Keeping track of all events on a mobile device and creating one image that can hold all that information is definitely impressive. It is not too difficult to follow which is a huge positive feature. If a person's mobile device has many events logged, then this visualization will easily get cluttered and be hard to understand which is one downfall to using this for active mobile users.

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